Monday, February 17, 2025

Richardson Civic Art Society

Meetings & Demo's in DFW Area


Jump into Spring Exhibition Winners have been chosen. Congratulations to all the artists recognized in this competition. See photos of reception below.

Exhibition Dates: February 1, 2024 thru April 22, 2024 in the ArtReach Gallery at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, 9200 Inwood Road, Dallas, TX 75220

JURORS: This show will be judged by artist representatives of both RCAS AND ArtReach.

AWARDS:  Best of Show, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and Honorable Mention(s) in each of our four medium categories.

EXHIBITION CHAIR:  Margaret Mall (c/o or 214-794-9355 leave a message)

After your artwork has been accepted, you will receive the entry forms for ArtReach.  (these forms are necessary for printed show materials and tags) You will need to submit the Art Reach forms and a high resolution photo of your artwork electronically and email to, as a .JPEG or .PNG picture — High Resolution (500KB or higher size file).A Registration Form MUST BE FILLED OUT FOR EACH ENTRY. These forms are due no later than January 25th, 2024

SALES:  You must indicate the price for each piece of art on the attached submission form.  Mark your piece with “NFS” if you do not wish to sell it.  Sales tax (8.25%) will be added for each sale. Credit Card payments will incur the addition of the credit card processing fee due from the seller (ArtReach). Payments for purchased pieces should be made payable to the Lovers Lane Foundation.

The Lovers Lane Foundation retains 25% of the sales price in its Visual Arts Permanent Endowment (which underwrites the ArtReach Gallery). The artist will receive 75% of the sales price, once the Foundation receives a completed W9 from the selling artist. Payments are usually made within a week or 10 days from receipt of the Artist’s W9.  Purchased pieces must remain displayed until the end of the exhibit.


Submission to the ArtReach Gallery constitutes an agreement on the part of the entrant to the conditions set forth in this prospectus, including the Release of Liability. This release will be provided to artists upon acceptance into show.  Reasonable precautions will be taken in handling artwork. We contract with a professional art hanging company that has insurance to hang all our exhibits.

The ArtReach Committee reserves the right to make changes to this Prospectus at any time, without notice. If you need help entering this exhibit, contact Margaret Darphin Mall, Exhibit Chair, at
214.794.9355 or c/o