Thursday, January 23, 2025

Richardson Civic Art Society

Meetings & Demo's in DFW Area


Member Artists may bring one piece of artwork to the general meeting each month. You must be an RCAS member.

The following artwork CANNOT be exhibited at any function of RCAS, per our agreement with the City of Richardson.  

  • Artwork containing conspicuous political,
  • Religious, or
  • Sexually suggestive content such as nudes

Artwork must be the original work of the attending Artist.

Artists will be provided with a numbered card from a volunteer. So, check in upon arrival at the display desk.  (Back of room)

Place the numbered card on your artwork so attendees can vote by number only. (Please cover signature)

There are no categories; all art competes against each other.

The award winner will be selected by the greatest number of votes entered during the meeting.

All meeting attendees can vote. One vote per person.

The first-place winner will be recognized before the end of the meeting, by an announcement from Art of Month volunteer.

The winner will receive recognition in the meeting and online and will also receive a $50 award.

Mediums/Categories Accepted:

  • Water Media/Acrylic/Alcohol Ink on Paper or Yupo
  • Ink Drawings – colored and graphite pencil, crayons, woodcuts, etchings and hand pulled prints
  • Oil or Acrylic on Canvas or Hard Surfaces (including grounds other than paper)
  • Pastel/Graphics – Graphics are limited to charcoals
  • Collage and Mixed Media – Image source materials must be original with less than 10% consisting of published images. . Various materials are acceptable. Artwork must be no more than 5 inches deep, less than 10 pounds
  • Digital and Photographic Art – All forms of photography, enhanced photography, digital art originating on the computer, of digital collage. All components of images must still be originally captured/created by the artist or altered to create new images. Cannot include company logos or have been used for commercial purposes.