Monday, February 17, 2025

Richardson Civic Art Society

Meetings & Demo's in DFW Area

MARCH 15, 2022

March’s Art of the Month Winners
1st Place • Alexis Tapp • ‘Pensive’ • Oil on Masonite board • 11”x14”
2nd Place • Michael Archer • ‘Potter Country Farm’ • Watercolor • 10”x14”
3rd Place • Suzanne Berry • ‘Sunday Best Anticipation’ • Oil • 24” x 36”
March’s Demo Artist: John Cook
John Cook

John was born in Dallas, Texas and attended school at the University of Texas at Arlington and the Art Center School in Los Angeles, where he received a Bachelor of Professional Arts Degree. John’s canvases are loose and energetic often painted alla prima (in one session) or en plein air (in the open air). He has 8-10 canvases in various states of completion at any given moment, which keeps his work dynamic. 

Cooks inspiration comes from the beautiful light in nature, which he translates through layers of textured paint creating a rich surface that mimics the scene before him. More important than technique, John’s desire is to create work that elicits an emotional response with the viewer. Cook’s priority above all is his spiritual connection to his Creator and Lord Jesus Christ.